Photo credit: blackenterprise.com

Photo credit: blackenterprise.com

My friend A. has officially set up a date to quit her corporate job to follow her dream of becoming a life coach. While many may envy her determination and the  undeniable pep in her step and renewed gusto for life, I know she didn’t just jump from one career to the next without any pain. As a matter of fact, it was probably one of the most trying, even painful, although unbelievably rewarding, times of her life. She often says she going from corporate to called is “the best hell she’s ever been through”, and judging by the late phone calls and the plethora of mantras in her house, I believe her….

Transitioning to a new career is a challenging process. It will impact your life, your finances, and how you view yourself for a long time. It will require you to survive more than just a job change, but an entire mentality, and possibly lifestyle, overhaul. Here are 10 steps to transition from your corporate gig to your calling without losing your mind (at least not all of it):

1. Check within! The biggest changes in your life start within. Check in with yourself first, listen to that still small voice. It will tell you when it’s time to jump ship, or remind you to calm your engines…

2. Do your research! Research online, ask questions, shadow someone else in the field. Gather all the information you can about the field you’re going in before making any drastic decisions.

3. Adjust to the change! Learn to re-set your pre-conceptions and ideas about work when switching careers. See your skills and abilities in a new way, reframe your experience to adapt to your new professional experience, honestly address your strengths and experiences. In more practical terms, that includes re-writing your resume, adjusting your social media profiles, and even re-contextualizing your own professional image.

4.Ditch Plan A, B, and C too while you’re at it! Everyone will tell you you should have all kinds of backup plans, exit strategies and so on…Transitioning careers to what you believe is your vocation is not a horse racing bet. It’s your life, and you don’t want to go at it halfway. Having too many options is like having too many excuses, you end up hiding behind them. Make a choice and assume it!

5. Remember you CANNOT fail! Failure is your invention. As long as you’re learning something, pushing through something else, you cannot fail! Remember that when you have to start over in the mailroom of your dream company, or when your first, or second (or even third) business tanks. You’re not failing, you’re preparing for success…

6. Now go on and inspire someone else! I always say the best way to succeed is to help someone else make it too! Your experience serves a purpose. Be a mentor to someone who is seeking to transition careers. Document your experience in a blog or on social media. Encourage someone to pursue their dreams…

How did you go from Corporate to Called?

The Corporate Sis.