Savvy app - Photo credit: savvy.jobs

Savvy app – Photo credit: savvy.jobs

What if you were given a career crystal ball to pick the perfect job for you? I mean, your dream job. The one that wouldn’t just be tailored to your preferences and qualifications, but would also match the particular way women conduct their job searches? Like Tinder for savvy career women…

There’s An App For That Professional Women Looking for their Prince Charming Perfect Career…

Turns out, there’s actually an app for that, and a pretty good one at that! The Savvy app targets experienced professional women, catering their content especially to them and the employers that would potentially hire them. It started out as an app called Poacht, where job seekers could anonymously input information about their desired positions and look through available openings.But when co-founder and CEO Maisie Devine started noticing the app’s popularity with women, she decided to pivot it towards women professionals, and renamed it Savvy.

When I first read about the Savvy app, I literally jumped in my career woman’s heels. It’s about time that the fact that women approach the job search process differently than men be acknowledged, and even better, catered to. “Women follow a different job search process. When a woman looks at a job description, she will apply only if she feels 80 percent qualified, whereas men feel comfortable applying if they’re only 20 percent qualified,Devine said in summarizing the app’s appeal. This alone makes the entire recruiting process incredibly gender-biased.

It’s A Win-Win for Professional Women and Companies…

In addition to helping women find the right career fit, this app also helps employers leverage the enormous high-potential pool of female talent that may be self-disqualifying. In addition to giving companies the opportunity to tap into the value of gender equality within their own walls…

All in all, this app is a win-win for both professional women, and companies alike. So next time you’re in search of a great career fit, or know a corporate sister who is, please share the wealth…


What other apps would you recommend for professional women?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.