Photo credit: madamenoire.com

Photo credit: madamenoire.com

So you’ve just had your annual performance review meeting with your manager, and s/he just told you you got yourself some extra spending (or saving) money in the form of a pretty generous bonus. Ka-ching! Can you say good news, especially since you’ve been eyeing that Michael Kors bag for months? Now, do you share the awesome news with your colleagues, or should you keep your good financial fortune to yourself? Is there a “sharing etiquette” when it comes to bonuses at work?

My $0.05: While it’s totally understandable (and even recommended by fellow professional shoe addicts) to call your bestie and schedule your shoe-shopping calendar post-bonus, blabbing how much extra money you got (or didn’t get) as a bonus is a more delicate topic to discuss at work. Keep in mind bonuses are performance-based, and as such imply a certain level of ranking between colleagues, which can lead to unhealthy comparisons.

There’s no rule forbidding you, or anyone else, to divulge your bonus amount. However, for the sake of your own reputation and in the interest of team harmony, you may want to err on the side of caution! When in doubt, just smile!

What are your thoughts? Would you divulge your bonus amount at work?

The Corporate Sister.