
“I love Mondays”- said no one ever. Ok, actually, a very select few may…You know, the ones with the stamina and energy you envy as you’re trying to remember your login password for the fifth time this month…

Starting the week after a weekend filled with errands, to-do’s, and laundry (yes laundry) can be quite daunting. Even if you’ve actually relaxed and taken in one movie or two, you’re likely to feel frazzled as you head back to “reality” on Monday.

The biggest AHA moment of my 30’s was when I (finally) realized everything is mindset! E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! That includes tricking your mind to actually love Mondays!

Here are 5 tricks to play on your mind if you want to go from dragging yourself out of bed on Mondays to actually loving the start of the week. And this is regardless of whether you love your job or are still searching for the dream:

  • Strategize on Sunday! One of the main reasons why we feel overwhelmed on Mondays is lack of planning. I mean, let’s be real, I used to roll out of bed with zero idea about how I was going to get anything done. And as soon as the reality of everything I had to get done hit me in the face, including getting two kids bathed and dressed, hit me in the face, I would freeze. Instead, start strategizing on Sundays. This doesn’t mean you actually have to “work” on your day off, but more like thinking about your goals for the week and how to tackle them effectively. For me, it means quickly checking the calendar, jotting down some to-do’s, and drafting a timeline to get things done during the week. The result? Peace of mind, plus saving myself some premature wrinkles. 
  • Speak yourself motivated! What you speak into reality becomes well… your reality! Do you notice how as soon as you say “I’m tired”, whatever little energy you had seems to seep right out of you? Exactly… Start tricking your mind with positive affirmations as soon as you get up. For me, it’s my favorite Bible verses as well as other inspirational quotes. Another trick not to forget? Stick your favorite affirmations, quotes or inspirational words on Post-it notes all around the house. I have mine on my bathroom mirror, office wall, fridge and coffee machine, and if course on my vision board. So get to speaking!

Related: Read more on how to build your vision board

  • Start with fun! Whatever anyone may say, there’s something about doing something that stirs your soul that just pumps you up! So instead of tackling that dreaded task that will make you want to crawl under your desk, start with something fun! Whether it’s listening to your favorite tune, taking your favorite cardio class first thing, or talking to your bestie, pick something that brings a smile to your face, anything, no matter how small. For me, it’s to spend some time writing or reading before hitting the work circuit. What is it for you? 
  • Make it a challenge! I love a good challenge, even if it’s with myself. Blame it on my competitive nature ( fine, I admit!). Make it a challenge to start the week on a productive note. Which brings me to my next and last point…

 Related: Read more on how to make Monday your most productive day of the week.

  • Reward yourself! Listen, we all know a little reward can go a long way! Then why wait until Friday to reward ourselves after spending the entire week in a pre-war funk! So reward yourself for a productive, kick-ass Monday too! Treat yourself to an extra lipstick, a mani-pedi, or just two pages of your fave summer read at the end of the day. Who gets a treat on Monday, you may ask? Well, no one other than Trailblazing, Mega-productive, Badass You!

What would you add to this list?

To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.