Photo credit: guidedoc.com

Photo credit: guidedoc.com

I discussed earlier dating for the successful professional woman. Yet for those of us who’ve been off the dating scene for some time, we tend to be more worried about the balance between work and marriage.

At a time when work is taking more and more space in our lives, tracing clear boundaries between career and marriage is increasingly challenging. Between increasing work demands, a still frail economy, unsatisfying careers, just to mention a few, our most intimate relationships are harshly put to the test.
Toxic work environments, lack of career success, grueling schedules, just to cite a few, all contribute to the demise of many marriages. How do we then, as responsible, ambitious, professionals, keep work from getting in the way of our relationships?

1. Recognize there’s a problem! If you haven’t had a real conversation with your partner for way too long because they’re always working, or if work is making either of you so miserable you can’t stand each other, recognize the issue! Acknowledge there’s a problem, and if you want to save the relationship, it’s time to face it…

2. Talk, talk, and talk some more! Don’t keep your feelings bottled up. Neither of you has to give up on their dreams or hopes to survive. The point of a relationship is to help each other! Discuss your issues at or with your current work, and be honest about what you feel!

3. Pick your battles! Work is challenging. Issues will come up at you every which way, and some days will make you want to eat chocolate for the rest of your life. Yet, in order to balance the rest of your life and your career, pick your battles! Distinguish between what is worth complaining about to your partner and what is just the stuff of everyday. While you may need to address serious work-related issues, you don’t want to over-burden your relationship.

4.Make a plan, and follow through! If either of your careers is threatening your relationship, make a plan. Is it time to quit and survive on one salary? Or is another job a necessity? Can you afford to jump ship and start your own business? Make a plan, and stick to it, together!

How do you deal with work getting in the way of your relationship?

The Corporate Sis.