Working on your day off - Photo: http://image.naldzgraphics.net

Working on your day off – Photo: http://image.naldzgraphics.net

So you’re off today, and guess what, you’re on your Blackberry and on your computer, plugging away…Or even better, you actually get called in by your boss to work on your day off because an important deadline is looming near…

Granted, some of us admittedly love our jobs so much we actually don’t mind working on our days off. Yet, how many of us really do it out of a sense of obligation, to fit in, or just because we’re scared we’d lose our jobs if we didn’t?

My $0.05: Back in Big Public Accounting, working days off and week-ends was a given. It was part of the job and paying your dues. Yet it’s only one of the major reasons why Public Accounting has such a big turnover. While working on some days off and week-ends is par for the course at work (month-end, important company filings, last-minute emergencies), it should also not be a constant. As with everything, balance is key…

What do you think? Are you working on your day off?

The Corporate Sis.