
Hey sis,

Have you ever felt:

  • Stuck
  • Unfulfilled
  • Un-motivated

At work or in life?

You know the feeling:

  • you’re dragging yourself out of bed every morning (especially on Monday mornings)
  • going through the motions day after day,
  • watching the clock run at work,
  • waiting for the weekend to finally live!

Or maybe you’re working hard, dong the best you can, sacrificing your best hours and even your family life, not to mention yourself, and it just feels like you’re constantly spinning your wheels with limited results, and very little satisfaction?

You know there’s MORE:

  • MORE Freedom
  • MORE Fulfillment
  • MORE Growth
  • MORE of You and all that You can be

But you may just not see the WHAT, HOW and most importantly, the WHY…

If this is you, I hear you… I’ve been there, and so have so many other working women and working moms carrying extraordinary potential, gifts and ability within themselves.

I’m Solange Lopes. I’m a working mama, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and believer in the magic of fulfillment and purpose for all working women. Professionally, I find joy in the classroom as a professor, using my gift for writing, and speaking to fellow women about working and living purposefully all over. Yet, I wouldn’t be here speaking to you if didn’t go through my own transformation. After over a decade in the corporate world as a Certified Public Accountant, I became a professor, writer and entrepreneur. Most importantly, I found the clarity, the sense of direction and purpose I was lacking. And this is exactly what I’m here to share with you…

I was there, a few years back, full of ambition and drive, yet not being sure of what my purpose was, and not seeing the growth and results I was craving in my work and life.

As a young working mom, I felt torn between my family and my career. I felt torn between my calling for writing and teaching, and the safety of a regular paycheck. I sensed the familiar tug for MORE, MORE freedom There were so many things I was aspiring to, personally and professionally. Yet, I lacked clarity, a sense of direction, and fulfillment. I was going from one thing to another, busy, frantic, yet un-fulfilled.

Then I hit a wall…

Mentally, spiritually, and physically, it was time for CHANGE. That’s when the transformation journey started for me…It was a process, one that was at times grueling, tough and challenging, both on a personal and professional level. Yet, it was a process that taught me so much about myself, about turning Potential into Power, and about reaching our own summits as working women and working moms.

It’s this same process, that is so common to so many of us, that I’m here to share with you. So we don’t all have to go through the grueling growing pains, the constant dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment, and the sense that we’re just spinning our wheels…

I invite you on this journey of transformation from feeling stuck or not as fulfilled as you could be, to tapping into the extraordinary potential and gifts that are uniquely yours…You don’t have to settle for less than your best…You CAN have the fulfillment and purpose you’ve been craving…