
Should you quit your job to follow your dreams, or build your business on the side? What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Remember when they asked you the question, as a young kid. And you’d let your mind wander, your eyes shining with anticipation as you imagined all the possibilities. Astronaut, circus clown, superhero, doctor, soccer player, pianist…

Then life happened, decisions were made, and you found yourself behind a crowded desk doing a “real” job in the “real” world . Yet you haven’t forgotten the original question/dream, and after years of “adulting”, you’re still going for it. Working nights and week-ends, rolling out of bed at the crack of dawn to try and make things happen…

Hence the new generation of “corporate entrepreneurs”, those countless brave souls building full-time businesses, going after their dreams, while working full-time, taking care of their families, and doing the rest of the “adult” thing…With so much on their plates, and so little time, they’re tempted to quit their jobs, jump ship and just go for the Dream. This is especially true for women who may be over the gender politics at work, or moms who may want more time and flexibility with their kids…

In the best case scenario, they’ve saved a bit of money to weather a few months, as in the example of ex-marketing executive Sonia Thompson who left her cushy corporate gig to build a business bringing in only a quarter of that. or are relying on their partners/families to help them out. Or they just may end up writing this type of post...In all cases, it’s never the easiest of decisions…

For a few years now, entrepreneurship has been the new Women’s Movement. Instead of flocking to corporations as happened in the 70’s, they’re now fleeing form the limiting prisons of corporations to build their own empires. Millennial women in particular, are burning out at work by the time they hit…30!

While research shows women will create over half of the new 9.72 million jobs by 2018″ from the comfort of their home offices/closets/smartphones, the question remains: Should you quit your day job to build your dream? Or should you do it while logging in your regular hours?

There’s a lot of advice out there telling you when to quit your job to start your business, or how to transition from your job to your business full-time, or what kind of tequila to buy in case things go south. And for women, especially those with families and children to support, the decision is never an easy one, no matter what Wikipedia may say.

And there’s no one-fits-all solution either, as every female corporate entrepreneur deals with their own very unique set of circumstances. Whether you’re divorced, married, single, with or without children, making the leap into full-time entrepreneurship will probably be one of the most nerve-wracking decisions of your life.

While no one but you can tell you what you should be doing, here are in my opinion, the 3 most important  (albeit, unconventional) questions to consider as you sip on that tequila while contemplating the current state of your life:

  1. Are you happy? Ok, happiness may not pay the bills at first. Yet in the long-term, being satisfied and fulfilled can help you make more money. Ask yourself if you’re happy and fulfilled. If your career is among the factors decreasing your happiness, it may be time to consider a change. It doesn’t mean you have to turn in your resignation letter today, but it may mean you have to push the pedal towards turning your business into an alternative way to pay your bills.
  2. What does success mean to you? Is success intimately tied with your $200,ooo cushy salary? Or does success mean more time with your family? Is making a quarter of your salary but being able to travel and have more time off your own definition of success? Find out what being successful means to you, without any influence, interference or nagging doubts. That may lead you towards making the right decision for you, not for anyone else.
  3. What can you put up with? Of the 3 questions above, this one is by far the most unpleasant. There will be quite a bit of struggling involved in building your business, whether you decide to jump ship from your corporate job or hustle on the side. That’s not the question. The question is, how much can you put up with? What’s your resistance factor? Are you ok surviving on a quarter of your current salary? Are you ready to use whatever spare time, including nights and week-ends to build your business while working full-time?

Based on your answers  to these questions, you’ll know whether  you’re ready to tender your resignation or if you need more time to secure your bases. Or if the Dream has changed for you, or is very much alive…


So let me ask you this, should you quit your job to follow your dreams, or build your business on the side?


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To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.