
So you’re working from the comfort of your home, in your PJ’s, sipping on your hot cup of cocoa while dropping some nuggets of professional wisdom on your laptop….All is well, you don’t have to wear pants, comb your ‘fro, or look human for that matter, and you can still get your work done without the office buzz and constant interrupting.

 That is, until your toddler comes crashing into your office with a full cup of juice now spilling all over your laptop, actually, ahem, the company’s laptop…And there goes the romantic aspect of working from home, right out the window, as you proceed to call IT to figure out how you can save that spreadsheet you’ve been working on for the past day, or resuscitate the almost-defunct machine…

That’s the story of many working moms (and dads) who get the luxury of working from home, with the steep discount of doing it all in the lovely company of their active, attention-needing kids. And while there’s a lot being said out there about working productively from home, and eliminating all the distractions that come with it, what’s not being said enough is that doing the whole work from home thing with kids is a whole ‘nother ball game. As in juggling ten thousand balls in the air, and dropping all of them, all at once…Yeah, like that…

Many companies allow their employees the flexibility of working from home. It’s a great perk that’s often used as a backup for school closings, unavailable childcare, doctor appointments, etc. Except in most cases, it also means you’re working extra hard to deal with your kids, your work, and looking for your pants in the meantime…

From catching up on my work from home day with a work-from-home evening/night/whatever it takes, to having full-blown conversations with my kids about the importance of letting their parents earn a paycheck (so they could buy toys), here are some of the best most practical tips I’ve gathered over time. Nothing glamorous, just what works without anyone losing their mind, hair or allowance for the next 10 years:

Start early!

As in: wake up before the storm starts! At least that’s how I call it… I try to set my alarm for at least an hour before everyone wakes up, not just to be able to hear my own thoughts, but to get started on any major task I have for the day…

Have a P-L-A-N!

It’s one  thing to have somewhat of a plan when you’re working from home alone and trying to stay away from the fridge or keep from getting it done and over with that pesky laundry!

It’s another when you’re surrounded by kids who have zero concept of your professional obligations! Hence the P-L-A-N! I’m not talking about your basic to-do list, but an actual kid-proof contingency plan, complete with games, fun activities, and even sugar bribes….because: sanity…

Be realistic!

Let’s be real! Working from home with one or multiple little humans is not going to be as productive as being in your comfy cube listening to jazz music… Just sayin’…

 To avoid major frustration and chocolate meltdown, be realistic about how much you can REALLY get done! Adjust your to-do list to reflect the most urgent tasks and use early morning hours, naps and other quiet times to get your hustle on… 

Take breaks!

Between running after your kids to make sure they don’t accidentally lock themselves in the freezer, and being on conference calls while singing the “happy poop” song to your toddler, it can get rough! I mean, I remember dreaming of the peace and quiet of my cube while begging the kids to keep quiet so I could explain why my project status was down to zero…

So give yourself (and the kids) some breaks during the day! Whether it’s taking a quick walk outside, playing hide-and-seek for 10 minutes, take a load off sometimes…

Keep the communication with your team open!

Make sure to keep expectations on par with your team! Set clear deadlines and allow yourself what I call some “buffer” time…. You know, in case the little one unplugs the wireless connection, spills juice on your (company) laptop, or has a serious crisis over non-cooperating Lego pieces…

Use the rewards system!

You don’t know what working from home surrounded by little humans is until you’ve actually done it…And come out of it alive with some sanity and professionalism left!

So reward yourself for holding it down all day and still be sending civil emails and well-crafted reports… Oh, and give the kids a hug for actually trying to understand why “mommy” has to keep her job to be able to buy more Lego pieces… 

Get feedback!

Don’t forget to seek and get feedback to improve on your productivity while working from home. It could be a simple “hey how am I doing?” to your boss, or a personal assessment of how many projects you’re completing in the office versus at home…

Oh, and ask the kids how mommy’s doing too…You’d be surprised how many ideas of legitimate kids’ bribes they can come up with…

What’s your best advice to work from home with kids?

To Your Success,
