Photo: http://tempesttcup.wordpress.com

Photo: http://tempesttcup.wordpress.com

Being an introvert in today’s workplace is not the easiest thing, far from it. Especially during meetings when introverts definitely have a hard time being heard… As one who enjoys quieter energy and smaller groups myself, today’s workplace, where apparent success seems to be attributed to whomever speaks the first and the loudest, can be quite a challenge.

Throwing an introvert in an open meeting in the modern workplace can feel like throwing a fish out of water. While unfortunately, our work culture seems to favor assertiveness to the point of aggressiveness, it’s crucial we stay true to ourselves to be our very best. So how does an introvert kick ass at work and show leadership within the modern work culture while staying true to themselves? Much of it starts in meetings:

1. Start strong! Do not wait for the meeting to get significantly under way before feebly attempting to get a word in edgewise. For introverts at work, the best defense is the attack! Come prepared, and lay your game plan at the start of the meeting, before ideas and words start flying. Intimidating? Yes, so make sure to splash some cold water on your face before entering the room…Action!

2. Volunteer to be on stage! One easy way to take center stage without having to fight to get your voice heard is to volunteer to do so. Worked on an exciting project? Volunteer to present it to your co-workers.

3. Use your uniqueness! As introverts, we tend to sit back and observe. As a result, we tend to catch more of the innuendos in the conversation, and as such be able to ask important questions and uncover unsaid truths. Be willing to use your unique perspective to say what needs to be said, and make a lasting impression!

What are your hacks as an introvert to assert yourself in meetings?

The Corporate Sis.