Dating - Photo: huffingtonpost.com

Dating – Photo: huffingtonpost.com

Dating as a successful professional woman can be challenging. And when I say challenging, I mean, CHALLENGING! Between just having the time to date (not to mention prep time, finances and sheer willingness to interact with the other sex), and surmounting all the stereotypes and pre-conceived ideas about professional, ambitious women in their 30’s, anyone would be tempted to crawl on their couch with a good book or a glass of Pinot instead of hitting the dating scene on a Saturday night.

Let’s be honest. Dating is hard work. It’s like investing in volatile funds, or eating fat-free dessert, you put in the work, use up your make-up and heels, with no guarantee of any return. Plus you have to tread carefully, not to sound like you’re out-earning, out-manning or flat out emasculating your partner…And this is all after putting in a full day’s work, and then some…

1. Stop apologizing for your success! No need to work so hard at being liked or appreciated. You want a partner, not an approval stamp! While you may not need to brag, downplaying your achievements is also a no-go. Just be you!

2. Set the record straight! As a career woman, it’s tempting to paint a more or less traditional image of ourselves when dating. If your career is important to you, say so! If you are in a demanding field of work, set the record straight as well. If on the other hand, you are ready to kiss the corporate world good-bye, don’t mislead your date!

3. Use your power! Many a professionally successful and powerful women can close multi-million dolllar deals at work, yet cannot muster the courage to ask a date out. Use your power (in a good way) to attract the love you deserve!

4. Make room for love! Choices matter, and ours sometimes matter a lot more than we’d admit. More travel or less travel? More work or less work? Exclude or include certain types of partners? Make room in your life and work for potential partners, it may make the process less dreadful, and even a bit spicier…

5. Last but not least, don’t settle! As challenging as the dating scene may be for successful professional women, settling for less never made anyone happy. If your gut is warning you this person may not be for you, you may just have to listen!

Any dating tips you have for professional successful women?

The Corporate Sis.