
7 Apps to Boost Your Productivity in 2017 We all want to be more productive. As in do more in less time, and still be able to sit somewhere with a good book and some form of carb-filled snacks for a minute or two…

Except the more we think about being productive, the more to-do’s start creeping up on our list. And while technology can keep us pretty busy most of the time, here are 7 apps that can boost your productivity this year:

7 apps to boost productivity at work


Aka my “backup brain”. This app lets you save pretty much anything to it, from draft notes to web links, that you can organize into notebooks and tables of content.


Worried about automating your scheduling? This app allows you to save time by avoiding email and phone tag, and making it easy to improve your meetings and interactions with consumers and colleagues.


Zapier makes it easy to automate tasks between web apps. Whether it’s scheduling your social media posts, or sending automated emails, this cloud-based application can be used to create connections, or zaps, between over 300 applications.


Worried about keeping up with the news? This app is the single place to find and read all the news you need to think, plan and educate yourself. I love the fact that these news are available in various categories, like career, business, writing, etc, too…


If like myself, you’re a big fan of to-do lists, then this app is for you. Just consider it your go-to when it comes to getting things done! Whether you’re managing projects, planning events or sharing to-do lists with your family, this is the perfect tool to keep your life in sync.


Ever felt like you could use some serious help cleaning your email inbox? That’s exactly what Sanebox helps you do, by learning what’s important to you and filtering out what isn’t. Like a personal email assistant in an app…


Ever wished you could just say what you need and get it right away? Well, now you can with the Hound app…You basically just ask for stuff, like today’s weather, or to send a text, or to navigate to a certain address, and bam!, you get it! By combining speech recognition and language understanding, this app understands both context and detail. And gives you what you really really want…


What apps help you be more productive?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.