
If you ask me, job seeking has changed quite a bit. Remember when all you had to do was polish your resume, find a semi-decent clean suit, and make sure you showed up to the interview on time? Well, not quite anymore…Social media has become an increasingly important part of our careers and businesses, and also an crucial aspect of job searching.

Not only is it possible to find your ideal job by leveraging the  power of social media, but it’s actually recommended. According to this study by the Society of Human Resource Management, 65 percent of companies used social media to help them hire their employees. More specifically, 57 percent of companies used Linked for their hiring needs, while 19 percent turned to Facebook.

While being on social media can mean looking at memes all day long and getting updated on Beyonce’s latest fashion hit, it can also mean making yourself more marketable. Which in turn can help you land the job of your dreams (and justify those late nights watching natural hair videos on Instagram).

Here are 7 tips to use social media to find your ideal job and stand out in an otherwise crowded job market:


  1. Clean Up Time!

This may sound obvious, but we don’t do it quite often enough: Clean and update your social media accounts. This includes ensuring that your social media pages and channels are squeaky clean, which also means removing any profanities, risky party pictures, or politically-charged and offensive content.

Don’t get me wrong, you are certainly entitled to your opinions and using your social media accounts as you wish. However, keep in mind that in order to increase your chances to be hired, it’s best to keep a clean profile. You can use apps like Simple Wash to clean up your Facebook page, for instance.


  1. Look Professional!

You know those blurry profile pictures snapped by the hubby on a rainy afternoon? Yes, those…They’re not exactly what you should use as profile pictures if you want to leverage your social media accounts for work.

Instead, invest in clear and professional pictures that clearly show your face, preferably smiling. Your pictures should convey your professional persona, in addition to a friendly, approachable appearance. You can use apps like Photofeelerto determine whether your pictures look professional enough. You can also get inspired by other professionals in and outside of your field.


  1. Mind your keywords

Many do not realize that companies use automated searches on Linked In and in resumes for their hiring needs.  This is why it’s important to capitalize on the power of keywords when using social media to find your ideal job.

Make an inventory of the job descriptions that are of interest to you, and research the keywords used in these. As you list your skills online, make sure to include them as part of it, as well as on your resume.


  1. Networking is key!

It’s important to keep connecting and networking with the people and companies linked with your ideal job, especially the hiring managers of the companies you dream of working at. You should be open to accepting most professional connection requests on social media. You never know who you can meet through social media.


  1. Blog Away!

Blogging is a powerful way to establish your authority and share your knowledge in a certain field or area. Every time you write an article on a topic relevant to your ideal job or company, you increase your chances of standing out among a sea of candidates.

Whether you blog on your own website or guest-post on different sites, share fresh and relevant content in your field or industry. A great place to publish your writing and get noticed by hiring managers is LinkedIn Pulse.



  1. Showcase your work!

You can also include a link to your best projects from current or past jobs on your social media pages or channels. You may also want to link your website, if you have one, to your social media profiles.

The point is to showcase your work and position yourself as an expert in your field. Think of it as your professional media kit shared on your social media platforms.


  1. Develop your personal brand!

Develop and grow a consistent personal brand across all your social media platforms. The goal is to get people to know you, know what you do, and identify with your goals and objectives. Lastly, make sure your personal brand matches your social media profiles


How do you use social media to find your ideal job?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.