Photo: realizeyourpeak.com

Photo: realizeyourpeak.com

There’s a new balancing act out there, and it’s no longer the perennial, beaten to death by the media, work-life balance. For many millenials of our generation, among all those born with an enterprising spirit, juggling day job and side hustle has become the new normal. And while it takes quite a bit of motivation to do both, we can all agree it can also be quite a challenge.

According to research by the Young Entrepreneur Council, 1 out of 3 millenials juggle their day job with a side hustle. For those who are under-employed, or even worse, unemployed, it’s not only a reality, but in many cases sheer necessity. So how does one balance day job and side hustle, without losing your mind or your current job?

1. Learn to appreciate your day job!This may sound counter-intuitive, but in order to balance day job and side hustle, you need to grow more grateful for what you currently have. Instead of begrudging everything about your day job, remind yourself it pays the bills, somewhat funds your side hustle, and allows you time to dedicate to your side endeavors without subjecting you to the ramen noodle diet of your college years. Not to mention being grateful will help you feel less miserable when pulling late hours working on your dream…

2. Don’t quit just yet! Even better, stop obsessing about quitting your job. Instead, consider all the positives about your day job, especially the skills you’re acquiring, financial stability you’re building, and security you’re preserving. Being an entrepreneur is hard work and requires a solid foundation. Keep your day job, build your foundation, stand strong before you make the leap and quit!

3. Ease your transition! Transitioning to full-time self-employment is challenging. Instead of abruptly making the leap, ease yourself into it. Take a few days off or a leave of absence to dedicate yourself full-time to your side hustle. Use this time off to evaluate what’s working and what’s not. Also consider going part-time if you can sustain yourself financially. Take it easy..

How do you balance your job and side hustle?

The Corporate Sis