
friendship3-300x209 Happy Tuesday, corporate sisters!

Have you wondered whether being buddy buddy with the boss would actually boost or hurt your career? Most times, we may tend to think being in the boss’s good favors would actually work in our favor, putting the spotlight on our achievements, helping us find informal sources of mentoring in our manager, or placing us in prime position for promotion, in other words, helping us boost our career. While it may very well work to our advantage, being close, and in certain cases, too close to the boss, may actually backfire.

Beware of personal and professional lines becoming blurred. Friendship and career sometimes mesh well, and sometimes, well…don’t mesh at all. While engaging in a friendly, genuine relationship with the boss may have its perks, it may be helpful (and wiser) to set honest expectations and boundaries.

Prioritize your work! Whatever the situation, your work is always priority, at least at work! Keep in mind that as deep the friendship, when you step in to work, you are there to do just that…work!

Mind Perceptions!
Just as in life, perceptions also tend to override true facts at work as well. Rather than to allow the personal to affect your professional outlook, draw a smart line between your manager and your friend. Your career will thank you later…

So, buddy buddy with the boss: career asset or liability?

The Corporate Sister.