3 apps to help you relax at work - Photo: participaction.com

3 apps to help you relax at work – Photo: participaction.com

Sooo even experts are agreeing that doing nothing is great for you! Ok maybe not doing absolutely nothing all of the time, especially at work, in which case it’s no longer work…Ahem…Yet there are some benefits to beating stress and anxiety at work, and relaxing more…Actually, there are even some apps for that…


1. Headspace: Meditate much? Well, if you’ve got 10 minutes to spare, this is the meditation app for you. Stressed at work? Take 10, and listen to re-energizing meditation on the go!

2. Yoga Glo:Move much?Yoga Glo can help you get in just about 15 minutes of yoga exercise on the go! This app is also filled with meditations to help you re-focus.

3. Bloom: Most, if not all successful people, live by mantras. I personally love them! When your dreams seem too crazy to share, or you need a boost of confidence, use this app to write down your mantras or save some great quotes from leaders you admire! You’ll be happy when these pop up on your phone screen just as you’re ready to give up on that big project…

Add to the list! Do you have favorite apps to relax at work and home? Please share…

The Corporate Sis.