Any.Do app - intrepid-llc.com

Any.Do app – intrepid-llc.com

What’s the one thing you wish you had more of? Ok, ok, there is more than one thing…Well, for me, it’s a bit more organization, a lot less chaos, and some time to read, sleep or hear my own raging thoughts uninterrupted. I digress…I really wanted to talk about better organization, and here my first paragraph is all disorganized…hence today’s coffee break pick: crowd favorite, organization app extraordinaire Any.Do.

What’s Any.do anyways? It’s a list-making and task management app, available on the iPhone and Android, encouraging the habit of reviewing your to-do lists on the daily. So what makes it so different from your crumbled, old notepad from Walmart? It has a date and time reminder, successfully integrates Geolocation, and prompts you to review your to-do’s and update them (no checkmarks or crossing through pages here). Plus it suggests other apps you may want to use to complete your to-do’s, and can synchronize your tasks between your phone and computer. The wildly popular app, which added this year alone another 4 million users, just brought its app model to the web back in May. So now, you can keep organized even without your cell phone nearby (don’t panic, your smartphone can still remain surgically attached to your hand).

Even better, it now has its own integrated Cal Calendar, so you never forget your crabby mother-in-law’s birthday again…

Have you tried the Any.Do app?

The Corporate Sis.