Easily do app - makeuseof.com

Easily do app – makeuseof.com

It’s coffee break time, just in time to check in with your to-do list as you’re gulping your umpteenth cup of coffee down…unless of course, you already have the Easilydo app handy on your iPhone or Android.

If you’ve ever dreamt of actually hiring a personal assistant, dream no more…Or rather, keep on dreaming, but consider the virtual assistant thing handled with this app. What does it do? It helps save you precious time by automating some of your daily tasks, like remembering to call the babysitter before leaving work, saving your new work buddy’s information, or setting up the “Happy Birthday” post on your girl’s Facebook timeline ahead of time…

Most of the features are free, and you can also get premium service for $4.99/month or $49.99 a year. Give it a try and let us know what you think…

The Corporate Sister.