Is it ok to take selfies at work - Photo credit: uptown magazine.com

Is it ok to take selfies at work – Photo credit: uptown magazine.com

In the era of selfies, and posting one’s entire life on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, if you haven’t snapped a photo or two of you smiling (or purposely frowning) into the camera, you may be living under a rock (which in this case is OK).

Other than the fact that selfies have been linked to narcissism, or that selfies are apparently crossing all decency barrier into all occasions including funerals, is it OK to snap a pic of you at work? Does all the confidential stuff serving you as professional background have a place in your smartphone, or on social media for that matter? And if your fellow cube dweller happens to snap his own selfies all day long, should you just shrug and replicate?

My $0.05: I don’t have anything against the whole selfie culture, although it should definitely be done in moderation. Yet of all the places to take a selfie, I would recommend not doing it at work. Not only would it seriously put your professionalism in question, but really, how self-obsessed do you want to look to your co-workers?

What do you think? Are selfies at work ok?

The Corporate Sis.