Stand Stand desk - Photo credit: businessweek.com

Stand Stand desk – Photo credit: businessweek.com

You’ve heard it over and over again, sitting at your desk all day long is slowly killing you! And while you may be able to alleviate your back pains and other resulting ailments with some smart inventions like this one, or even spin through your day with this baby, your desk job is still killing you.

So no wonder standing desks are killing the market these days, literally. One of the latest ones I stumbled upon, and which is actually a Kickstarter product still raising funds, is this bad baby rightfully dubbed as “Stand Stand” (just in case you didn’t get the product’s premise)…

Stand Stand is a portable standing desk, which means I can walk my busy self around with it and not be restricted to any particular space. The whole thing is the size of my ex-Financial Accounting book (which I saved to remind me the battle against Evil has been won), and you basically can assemble and disassemble the whole thing in a matter of minutes.  It also only costs $50, which fiercely competes with my dwindling shoe allowance.

My $0.05: I would buy it. Period. Check it out on Kickstarter if you’d like to back up the project. I’m pledging my lunch money to it, my back will thank me in about 60 years…

The Corporate Sister.