Photo credit: nydailynews.com

Photo credit: nydailynews.com

Recently, a woman told her boss about her devastating cancer diagnosis, and in response, he did the unexpected: he fired her. Now that ought to make you think twice about sharing any health information at work. I know it got my thinking wheels going for a while, and not in a happy direction…

I personally think firing an employee because of health reasons is unconscionable. No one should be punished for their health, least after years of faithful professional service.

My $0.05: If your personal health is going to affect your work, then you should let your management know you may not be able to fulfill your work duties due to illness. However, revealing your diagnosis to your employer is still at your discretion, granted you are still performing your work duties.

Would you share information about your personal health at work? Do you think it could/ should negatively impact your career?

The Corporate Sis.