Photo credit: http://www.seattleorganicrestaurants.com

Photo credit: http://www.seattleorganicrestaurants.com

It’s performance review time, and bonus time is right around the corner as well. You’ve written and sent out your self performance review, the process is in motion, and you are…worried sick!  What if you get a bad review? What if your bonus (and resulting shopping bandwidth) suffers? What if you risk losing your job? What if? What if? And how do you cope with the anxiety and stress associated with an upcoming performance review?

My $0.05: Performance reviews are part of everyone’s career. They’re like calories, they sneak around in yummy desserts, yet show up every single time on the scale, but I digress…My point is, reviews happen, and bad bad reviews happen to good employees, so do outstanding ones happen to not-so-good people. If your upcoming performance review is stressing you out, have a talk with your manager as to what you should expect. This should help ease the uncertainty part. Remember every job is temporary, your career is not over because of a bad performance review. Take a deep breath, keep on striving, and always keep yourself up-to-date as to other employment options! It’s going to be alright…

Are you worried about an upcoming performance review?

The Corporate Sis.