Robin Williams - Photo credit: pinterest.com

Robin Williams – Photo credit: pinterest.com

The news of genius comedian, actor and human being Robin Williams’ death left me, along with the rest of the world, speechless. The realization that mental health had a lot to do with it left me personally perplexed, and grieving all over again. Having experienced depression and suicide in my own family, it’s an all-too familiar memory.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 18.8 million American adults suffer from depression in a given year. It is also reported that in a three-month period, patients with depression miss an average of 4.8 workdays, and have reduced productivity for over 11.5 days. Although depression varies by industry and occupation, it is estimated to cost 200 million lost workdays each year, at the rate of 17 to 44 billion lost to employers.

If you’re suffering from depression, or suspect someone around you is at work, don’t remain silent. Whether your depression is linked to your job or external circumstances, don’t ignore it! While you don’t have to disclose it to everyone, keep in mind that it’s a serious illness. Take the time you need to heal, speak to your manager and commit to getting better.

RIP Robin Williams!

The Corporate Sis.