
dear-tgif-addict Dear TGIF Addict:

You know who you are. The one who wakes up with a renewed sense of energy on Friday mornings, wishing TGIF to everyone around as if Christmas came early. The one looking forward to Friday as soon as Sunday night rolls around…

You live for Fridays and have no shame to your career game. You endure work, grit your teeth through emails and meetings, and face your to-do list with fervent prayers.

But it’s not always been this way. There was a time you looked forward to building a successful career. When you showed up early to the office, spoke up in meetings, and was brimming with all kinds of fresh ideas.

Then Life happened, with its mix of circumstances, bad bosses, great kids, pregnancies, deferred dreams, and other disruptive, albeit normal things. Maybe even somewhere in the middle of it all, you remembered your first passion and set out to hustle on the side towards it. Or you figured out the cubicle lifestyle was never for you.

Whatever it was, at some point or another, you started wishing your career away. Watching precious time pass by as you waitedfor Friday. Squandering precious talent as you dreamt of 5pm.

This is your wake-up call from the Universe! And this one ain’t got no snooze button. Stop wishing your career away! You have way too much talent, way too precious of a unique perspective, to bury it under some  random cubicle desk as you wait for 5pm, for next Friday, for the winning Powerball numbers…

Find work that stimulates and grows you. And if you can’t find it right away, (side) hustle your way towards it. Whatever you choose to do, honor that part of you that’s still striving, vibrant and becoming!

Yes, bills have to get paid, shoes bought and (some shred of) sanity saved. But if that’s costing you ( and the rest of us) your precious impact to this world, you may want to reconsider that cable channel package or Louboutin sale.

However you choose to do it, refuse to lose your enthusiasm, give up your spunk and finish the (last) bag of Doritos while you wait for Friday…


The Corporate Sis.