
Dear Working Mom is our periodic love and encouragement letter to working moms everywhere…

Dear Working Mom, 

Remember that time, a long while back, maybe so far back that you may not even remember, when you promised yourself never to lose yourself? Never to lose that spark, that creativity, that spunk, that pep in your step, no matter what? 

It’s been a while and life certainly has happened since then, taking over like a rushing wind of commitments, duties, and obligations of all kinds. And maybe one morning you may have woken up to realize that you can’t remember the last time you rode a bike, or read a book from cover to cover, or dug out your favorite dance shoes out of your closet to practice some of your old steps… Maybe someone asked you what you like to do, and you couldn’t come up with anything outside of going to work, picking up the kids, cooking, cleaning or your favorite brand of laundry detergent…

There are so many ways that, as modern moms, we can lose ourselves in the beautifully messy whirlwind of motherhood, marriage, partnership and life in general. We blink and it’s been a month, a year, a decade of beautiful, busy, often challenging but oh so rewarding moments. But we also blink and it may have been a month, a year, a decade, of forgetting a little bit of who we are, a little bit at a time…And you’ll know it too… You’ll know it by the way you feel a little off-center, a little off-balance, a little not like yourself…It’ll show up in the restlessness in your body, the raciness in your thoughts, the unexplainable jitters followed by a frustrating lethargy, the unanticipated moodiness…

And when you start noticing your soul wandering in exhaustion, it may be the sign, dear Working Mom, to return to yourself. To get back to those things that truly bring you joy, to make time for those old passions, even if only for a fraction of your day…

Because you never have to lose yourself, not through your work, not through your marriage or partnership, not through your relationships, not through anyone or anything…You never have to lose yourself, because those who love you need all of you…

Because your children need the spark in your eyes, the joy in your laughter, the energy in your step, and all the parts of you that make you…

Because the world needs the entirety of who you are, and so do you…

The Corporate Sis.