email or phone call


Happy  Wednesday!

One of the questions we’re asking ourselves (and you, as well) is: “When is it preferable to just send an email and when is one better off just picking up the phone at work?”

With technology and the onslaught of instant (and easy) communication we get exposed to everyday, it is very much tempting to just remain plopped in front of our computer screens and shoot a quickie email. Who needs to pick up the phone and have a real human conversation any more? Even better than email, the Instant Communicators or messaging systems now offered by many workplaces just make it too easy to avoid exchanging actual words with actual people at the other end of the line. Right? Right…
Well, for our $0.05, while the ease and convenience of email and its close instant messaging cousin are certainly appreciated in many a corporate setting, some situations do warrant the occasional phone call:

1. When your emails have gone unanswered (or blatantly ignored): Nothing like a nice, live and friendly reminder to keep your request in the other party’s mind (and ear), while setting the foundation for future…hum requests.

2. When you need an ally: Relationships are crucial everywhere, especially at work, and especially in the corporate world. Learn to present yourself under many different angles, including your charming (and convincing) voice. Think that Director could be a great asset down the line? Skip the email and pick up the phone.

3. Last but not least, when your performance is on the line: Not all assignments are created equal, and when you land on that big, promotion-inducing project, it’s no time to play ghost! Here again, put the mouse down, pick up the phone and get those favors, tips and recommendations that will help you impress your boss in no time!

So phone or email at work, what’s your pick?

The Corporate Sister.

The Corporate Sister