Are you ready for Monday - huffingtonpost.com

Are you ready for Monday – huffingtonpost.com

Happy Friday! As much as we’re excited for the end of the week (TGIF), Friday also happens to be one of the most strategic days of the week. While most of us cannot wait to dash out the office doors and go enjoy this summer week-end, we’re also coming back on Monday to a slew of unfinished projects, unplanned assignments, and basically…more headache.

I found out early on that taking a preventive approach to the big dilemma of starting your work week effectively may just work best. Rather than stressing out about work over the week-end, or being in a really despicable mood on Monday morning, why not prepare for the following week on Friday? Doesn’t sound exciting? Well, in my book, the principle of “work hard, play hard” does pay off…

1. Tackle the unpleasant tasks NOW! Nothing like the present moment. Dreading to make that phone call to request additional audit evidence first thing on Monday morning? Do it NOW and avoid starting the dewy on Monday with a black cloud hanging over your head. Need to submit that annoying expense report next week? Do it NOW, and save yourself much aggravation at the start of next week.

2. Update and synch your calendar! You want to come to work next week to an updated and in synch calendar. Starting out the week with an inaccurate calendar, and not being exactly sure when that important meeting with the head of Internal Audit is? Not exactly my idea of a Monday…

3. Leave yourself a to-do list! It takes me a few minutes to gather my thoughts on Monday morning, and the last thing I need is to wonder what exactly I have to do. Leave yourself as detailed as possible a to-do list for the following week, sorted by order of priority if possible, and pack up this afternoon with a smile, knowing that when you come back on Monday, you’ll have one less headache to deal with…(after your morning espresso that is…)

Happy Friday!

The Corporate Sister.