
In the past few years, blogging has certainly become extremely popular. There are millions of blogs worldwide around a multitude of topics. Blogging has almost become a cheap commodity. However, there are still some great benefits of blogging. One of these is blogging to boost your career.

As a career woman, you may think that adding blogging to your career objectives is not necessary. As a matter-of-fact, you may even consider that it may be a hindrance or an unnecessary effort. However, blogging can actually help you take your career to the next level in ways you may not have thought possible.

How to blog to boost your career

Here are a few ways blogging can boost your career:

Blogging about your area of expertise can help position you as an expert

Anytime you write about a given topic, it requires you to learn about it first. It also demands that you reach a certain knowledge around said topic. As you start blogging about a topic related to your career, you actually become an expert at it. This is because you would have performed some advanced research on it, and immersed yourself in it more than the average person.

As you become knowledgeable about your area of expertise, you also start to be perceived as an expert. Companies may recognize you as such, and perceive your expertise as a positive asset. In many instances, it may be what positively separates you from other candidates applying for the same job.

Pick an area of your career that interests you

The not-so-secret secret of blogging effectively is to write about something you enjoy. Blogging can be time-consuming and require extensive research. It’s important to write about a topic that you’d get less tired about in the long run. An area that is more inspiring and motivating for you will lift you up when you don’t feel up to blogging or sharing your expertise.

What is it about your particular area of work or career that part of your interest? What would you be willing to do research for for free? Those are the topics you should blog about.

Add your own spin and creativity to it.

What differentiates bloggers, as well as professionals in general, is the level of creativity and innovation they put into their work. As you add blogging to your resume, consider also adding your own spin on any topics you write about and share with your audience.

Many bloggers are guilty of regurgitating information they copy and paste from the web. However, the best ones are those who are not afraid to dig deeper and go a step above what everyone else can find on Google. How can you infuse your own personality and worldview into your perception and transcription of your area of expertise? This will set you apart as a thought leader and a potential asset to organizations and businesses looking for fresh minds and vibrant talent.

Now your turn: Would you blog to boost your career?


To Your Success,

The Corporate Sister.