
Going back to school as a  working mom can seem like an impossible feat. If you add your parenting duties to your work responsibilities, not to mention the upkeep of the home, your ever-expanding mountain of laundry, and your attempts at not losing your quarterly date night, it would be a complete no-no.

As a working mom myself, going back to study for my Certified Public Accounting exam felt like sheer torture. It was not so much about adding one more giant pile of to-do’s to everything I was already behind on. It was more about the incessant guilt I felt about missing out on the time I could spend with  my babies and spouse. It was also about having to consistently juggle loads of commitments, without barely having any time to myself.

How to go back to school as a working mom

Yet, as difficult and challenging as it is, it’s possible. As I look back on this time, and prepare myself to embark on another scholarly journey, there are a few tips I learnt in the process that I can share here:

  1. Clarify your “Why”

The first, and most important step, in the process of going to school as a working mom, is clarifying your “why”. Why are you doing this? Is it to improve your family’s situation? Is it to get a promotion, or change careers altogether? Is it to offer your children a better life? Or a combination of all these?

Knowing your “why” also allows you to see the light at the end of the tunnel, especially during those trying moments when all you want to do is quit. It’s this “Why” that will not only keep you going in hard times; but will also give you the motivation and drive to accomplish your goals.


  1. Talk about it with your significant other and family members

As a working mom, you no longer are alone in making decisions, especially when it comes to life-changing decisions such as going back to school. This is why it’s so important to have honest conversations with your significant other and family members, including the children.

In order to succeed at this, you’ll need their support and complete buy-in. It’s important to discuss and answer important questions such as:

  • How will your family’s schedule change?
  • How can your significant other help you?
  • What changes will you have to implement to make it work as a family?



  1. Make a lifestyle plan

Remember, this is not just about going back to school and getting re-acquainted with classes and homework. Rather, as a working mom, it means a whole lifestyle change that you have to be prepared for. Hence, the need for a complete lifestyle plan that will take into account the needs of all the family members, and allow you to thrive as a mom and a student.

For me, it was about overhauling my schedule and changing my lifestyle from one of family and work responsibilities, to one that included earlier mornings, later nights, and more sharing of commitments.


  1. Adjust your expectations

Going back to school as a working mom is hard. There’s no more diplomatic way to put it. If you happen to be a perfectionist like myself, you may be tempted to maintain the same expectations you had before heading back to school.

However, it’s crucial to adjust your expectations to your new schedule and lifestyle. Not only will it save you much heartache, but it will also help you keep going when the going gets tough.


  1. Be compassionate towards yourself

Last but not least, practice compassion towards yourself. This is a very rewarding, yet challenging process. It also means that you must forgive yourself for those nights when you just cannot stay awake to do your homework. Or those mornings when getting up early seems impossible. Or for not being the best mom at all times.



All in all, going back to school as a working mom is not only possible, but very much potentially successful, with the right mindset, approach and discipline. While it requires many adjustments, it may just be one of the most exciting, and rewarding, endeavors you’ll undertake.



To Your Success,

The Corporate Sis.