Use your natural talents at work

Use your natural talents at work

My daughter is graduating from kindergarten this week as one of the top students in her class (proud mama beaming on the other side of your computer screen). Yet, as much as I would be proud of her even if she had been a frequent detention resident (at which point we would have to have a little person talk), I can’t help but think her success matters more to me if she is happy while achieving it. Seeing her come back from school with all manners of happy grins on her face is success enough, knowing she loves it precisely because she’s able to be herself and use her natural talents in the classroom…

Wouldn’t it just be simpler if work were just like kindergarten? If you could graduate/get promoted based on doing stuff you love, and doing it so well it would actually make you happy, thus pushing you to strive even more and be even more successful?

What happens in the time and space between small classes full of enthusiastic laughter, and cubicle farms filled with disgruntled, enthusiasm and productivity-starved professionals? What happens is somewhere in between gulping our morning coffees and logging out of our corporate systems, we forget what we’re really good at and how using our own talents is really the key to success...

So you want me to write a novel at work? Or use my amazing cooking skills to impress my manager (who by the way is still waiting on that quarterly sales report)? Ok, I get your drift…Yet how about using the essence of those talents, the organization and focus that make you such a great cook, the communicative abilities that make up your writing gifts, the passion you have for learning, to take you to new heights at work?

Achieving one’s dreams doesn’t always occur at the location and time we expect, but rather builds itself up over time through practicing the essence of our gifts right where we are, with what we have.


So how can one use their natural talents to succeed at work?

1. Stop hiding! This over-the-top professional, no fun, “strictly work” persona, please ditch it! Share and show your interests in a subtle yet honest way. People will love you for it, and will be much more able to appreciate the true “you”…as long as it doesn’t interfere with your work, of course!

2. Seek work where you can use your talents! The key to professional fulfillment is being able to offer the best you can, while enjoying the process. Even if your day-to-day tasks couldn’t be more ordinary, volunteer for projects that appeal to your natural gifts. Seek positions that are a better fit for your personality, and don’t be afraid to add your personal touch to your work.

3. Keep learning! Our natural gifts evolve with each environment, task, or work you’re exposed to. Keep learning, keep growing and developing your natural abilities right where you are. The same technical abilities that make you excel a website building are also those that will help you put together amazing presentations or build new products at work. Keep developing yourself!

How do you use your natural talents at work?

The Corporate Sis.