I too am Harvard - fabmagazineonline.com

I too am Harvard – fabmagazineonline.com

When I heard of the “I too am Harvard” campaign, a photo campaign highlighting the faces and voices of Black students at Harvard, and highlighting the issues affecting Black students at Harvard, as a Black woman, an ex-Black student, and a Black woman in a predominantly White corporate world, I understood…I understood so well what these students mean, how important the sense of belonging is on a campus, in an institution of higher learning, and later on, in a professional setting where your mere appearance makes you stand out in a not-so-positive way.

I command the Harvard students who started this movement at Harvard, not only because they inspired other Ivy League schools to do the same and call attention to the widespread discrimination in higher institutions of learning. But I also command them for inspiring us all to claim our places in all the settings in which we are called to shine.

I command them to inspire me to get up and also recognize that despite the obstacles facing minorities in the corporate world, “I too am Corporate”. So today, as you prepare to make your presentation at work as a minority, or as you face challenges in your own corporate setting, or as you may just be doubting your brilliance and capabilities, please be reminded that like these brave, courageous, brilliant students: “You too are Corporate”!

Check out the promo video of “I too am Harvard”:

The Corporate Sister.