Embroidered voile peasant top - $69.95 - eShakti.com

Embroidered voile peasant top – $69.95 – eShakti.com

Hi again…

For our lunch break today, we are so glad it’s Friday, and to invite the week-end in, we are showcasing this voile embroidered peasant top from eShakti.

I love the country-chic charm of this blouse, which makes me think of open spaces and…tiem off from work! The blouson sleeves and sophisticated embroidery balance out the scoop neck  for a relaxed, yet boho chic vibe. I would wear this on the week-ends with a nice pair of jeans and some relaxed loafer flats, or sport it on a casual Friday with some relaxed ankle pants under a cool yet professional blazer.

It’s $69.95 at eShakti, and not only is it a great buy, but what is absolutely great about eShakti is that all their clothes are customized to fit your height, size and style, and ready to be delivered in 14 days. And for petites like myself, it’s just perfection!

Seen a great, work-appropriate fashion piece or store you’d like to share? Please email us at corporate@thecorporatesister.com!