Photo: dreamstime.com

Photo: dreamstime.com

‘Tis the season for gifting! Whether at work or around family and friends, we tend to want to get a lil’ something something for everyone. However, when it comes to the corporate world, and more specifically to our supervisors and/or managers, we may need to slow our jolly gifting rolls and think twice about it…
While some may argue that deciding for or against buying a gift for the boss depends on the type of relationship you have with her or him, I, on the other hand, would tend to agree with one of my favorite no-nonsense career bloggers Penelope Trunk: Do not buy the boss a gift!. And this for many different reasons…

You don’t want to look like you’re a kiss-you-know-what: especially in corporate team environments, the last thing you want to do is set yourself apart as the kiss-hmmm(you get my drift). If you must offer a gift, try and do it as a group, or limit your spending to a minimal amount, preferrably under $25.

You don’t want to put the boss in an uncomfortable position: you know when someone just is too kind to you and you don’t really want to tell them that their kindness is a bit overwhelming? Well, that may be the kind of situation you might end up putting your boss in, when you step in the door with your elaborately wrapped gift. While he/she may be genuinely appreciative, they also have to consider things like conflicts of interest and general team perception. Besides, shouldn’t the gift giving happen the other way around? Just sayin’….

Last but not least, you can still show your appreciation for the boss…in a different way: a nice handwritten card will do the job, and show your boss your genuine gratitude, without seeming too over-the-top. And if it could be done as discreetly as possible so as not to give everyone the wrong impression, even better…

Will you be buying a gift for your boss?

The Corporate Sister