Lunch Break

Lunch Break

When I was in public accounting, as many veterans of public accounting know, life revolved around work. And work revolved around the team…
The team worked together, ate together, took coffee breaks together, pretty much breathed in sync if you want my opinion. Everyone knew everyone else’s life, girlfriend spats, marital discords, and favorite hair conditioner. We were tight…and I mean tight!
So it was interesting to hear co-workers debate about whether or not eating lunch with the whole team would help their careers or not, I was taken back in time.
For my $0.05, I think fostering a sense of team belonging is always good for one’s career, especially in the beginning. However, we can still be ourselves inside a team. As much as it is recommended to play “team”, it is also good to set some healthy boundaries. Have luinch with the team by all means, but also reserve yourself the right to have your own personal time. And when setting boundaries, better sooner than later to avoid disappointing anyone, yourself included.

What do you think?

The Corporate sister.

The Corporate Sister