

Happy Friday, TGIF! It’s the end of the workweek (well, for some of us at least) , and as we’re contemplating relaxing over the week-end, many of us are also estimating how much momentum they’ve gained in a particular project, or in their work and career in general.

As corporate sisters and (double) minorities in the workplace, building successful careers is a challenge. Yet by taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to us, capitalizing on our strengths and being willing to put forth the work, we can succeed! And adding a bit of strategizing to the mix doesn’t hurt either…

That’s where building momentum in our careers comes in! We often think that the harder we work over time, the better the results! While this does hold true, what I’ve realized (largely thanks to my failures) in the course of mine and others’ careers is that the more effort you invest at first, the more and better career outcomes you are able to reap! In other words, hard work alone is not enough to take you to the top, sowing the right seeds at the beginning is what really propels your career forward!

Whether it’s by obtaining the proper credentials, going after those challenging assignments, or networking in the appropriate circles, building momentum in the first stages of your career is key! Stepping into a new career or coming right out of college? Get that certification, request those challenging assignments, now is the time to be bold! Already advanced in your career? Don’t be afraid to invest in continuing education, use your experience as a stepping stone to build momentum, and if necessary, start over again!

Rather than exhausting your resources and energy over time, strategize and decide to invest the bulk of your efforts initially, so you can reap the rewards over time! Just as you’re looking forward to a rewarding week-end of rest and relaxation after a week of hard work…

Do you believe in building momentum in your career?

The Corporate Sister.