The Power of Affirmations - Photo: http://lesliekenton.com

The Power of Affirmations – Photo: http://lesliekenton.com

Many are the methods and techniques advertised out there to guarantee career success, especially for women. From how to speak up at work, to actively conducting a passive job search, not to mention there’s an app for just about everything (including relaxing at work), we’ve got this career thing down to a science. Or do we?

Yet not much is being said about the intrinsic power we all have to affect our careers, and our lives in general. Visualizing and affirming our desired outcomes should be a part of our daily ritual to ensure success in general, and success at work in particular.

When I first heard about visualizing and affirming positive outcomes we desire, my first thought was “oh boy!”. I’ve always been quite the quirky type, and speaking out loud to my inner consciousness would not exactly help with any appearance of sanity whatsoever.

Yet doesn’t the Holy Bible teach us to speak things and outcomes as if they were? Don’t the most successful people, from Oprah to Will Smith, credit their success to the law of attraction through the power of positive affirmations? Have you not conditioned yourself to believing things about yourself through your own negative or positive words? Things like “I am successful”, “I am advancing in my career”, or rather deceptive words like “I don’t deserve success”, or “I’m an impostor!”,”I’m unqualified for this job”…

Speaking up is crucial to success, and not just when it comes to speaking in front of an audience. We must keep reaching down to the roots of our mindset, and optimize our thinking. What we think becomes our reality, so why not think our abilities and talents into fulfilling, blossoming careers?

Whether you write down positive thoughts on post-it notes stuck on your bathroom mirror, or repeat positive affirmations as you’re driving to work or hitting the “Send” button on an email that could make or break your career, speak success into your work! As you’re networking with influential leaders and peers in your industry, speak success into your new ventures!

Success is a magnet attracted by the positive force of powerful affirmations and thought processes. Just do the work and say it is so…

Have you used positive affirmations in your career? How do you mentally engage yourself to achieve success at work?

The Corporate Sis.