What seeds are you planting - Photo credit: http://science.nationalgeographic.com

What seeds are you planting – Photo credit: http://science.nationalgeographic.com


I do NOT have a green thumb. You know how the cashier just puts up the “Closed” sign right when it’s your turn to cash out? Well, that’s what kinda happened when green thumbs were being allotted in the “Natural Gifts” department, and I got to the cashier station… In all seriousness, all it takes for any plant nearby to collapse and die is for my non-green thumb to make an entrance. So when it comes to gardening and planting seeds of anything remotely supposed to grow out of the soil, I’m unfortunately (or fortunately, it’s just a matter of perspective) not your girl…

Thankfully, physical, Earth-based seeds are not the only ones we can plant (sigh of relief). Even for those of us who were not born-gardeners (or act as natural plant-repellers), we CAN and do plant more seeds than we actually realize. From the way we choose to live our lives, to the successes we create, to the challenges we surmount and the mountains we climb, what seeds are we planting in ours and others’ lives? What are we teaching our kids, neighbors, co-workers, life partners about what it means to lead a successful life?

My pastor asked me and Dear Hubby about the seeds we are planting in our lives, that of our children and of our community. Are those seeds of failure or success? Seeds of anger and resentment, or rather forgiveness? Good or negative seeds? Edifying or discouraging seeds? What are we planting, and what legacy are we set to leave?

I’m part of a blended family, and when I say blended, I mean ultra-blended. Many are the seeds that were planted in me, some of which brought out the best in me, and some which grew the worse in me. Today, as a parent, a woman, an active member of society, it’s now my turn to plant my own seeds. And for all of us looking to live meaningful lives, to make a difference, however small, it’s our turn to choose the seeds we’ll plant in ours and others’ lives.  Are these going to be seeds of Faith, resilience, determination, and success? Or will we turn away from the brilliant legacy we all can leave?

The question is: What seeds are you planting today?

As for me, I’m still quite the hazard to plants of any kind, but I’ve recently invested in a sturdy cactus, which so far has not let me down…There is hope, and I’m planting away, or at least trying to….

Happy Sunday!

The Corporate Sis.