

Happy Monday (is there even such a thing?)! If you hadn’t suspected it before, I’m not a big fan of Mondays, like a lot of fellow corporate sisters and brothers out there…

Yes it’s the start of a new week, and who’d want to start off the week on an unproductive, slow note? So despite the fact that Mondays rank pretty high on the list of our least favorite days, here are a few tried-and-true, no-nonsense tips to turning these dreadful days into productive powerhouses:

1. Start on Friday! Yup, you heard right! Prepare for dreadful Mondays on Fridays! Resist the temptation to slow your professional roll on Fridays as you’re looking forward to the week-end; instead, give a last hoorah and anticipate the following work week. How so? Leave a detailed to-do list for the next week, quickly prep for your major meetings, update your calendar, and voila! Your Monday morning will seem much less dreadful when you come to work to a well-planned week…

2. Have a system! Yes, in life and at work, you’ve gotta have a system! Whether you prefer to start with faster, more minor tasks, or tackle bigger projects first, pick a strategy and stick to it! The better you know how well you work, the more productive you’ll be!

3. Be flexible! Did you notice how every Monday morning, or at least most Monday mornings, something, anything will pop up to derail your morning. I had to drive back home this morning after I noticed I forgot my earrings. Then I ran into an old acquaintance who didn’t recognize me, right before I rushed to my desk and realized I had to reboot my computer…twice! The Universe has a funny way of reminding you that you’re not as much in control as you tend to think. So be flexible, allow for interruptions and delays, and keep your eye on the prize (I meant, your productivity, not that extra scoop of ice cream!)…

Did your start your work week on an effective note? Happy Monday!

The Corporate Sister.