

In this episode of the TCS podcast, I’m chatting about the cruel summer ceiling for working moms (in my best Taylor Swift voice). By summer ceiling, I mean all the obstacles facing working moms during the summer months as they juggle increased childhood, caregiving, and household responsibilities due to school closures, with career and personal demands. 

I also share one of my favorite products recently, the Gal Pals Chill Pack from Opal, which helps you cool off any heat-stressed area around your chest, or any other body part. If you get really hot during the summer, just need to refresh after a sweaty workout, or need relief from menopause, perimenopause, pregnancy, or even an injury, fever or headache, this is the product for you. You can get yours here: https://tinyurl.com/chilltcs

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To Your Success,

The Corporate Sister.