Poacht app - Photo credit: poachtapp.com

Poacht app – Photo credit: poachtapp.com

So turns out there are quite a few things you can do on the down low, including looking for a job without alerting your current employer you may be coveting greener professional pastures. And of course, this is 2014 and there’s an app for that…Poacht (available on iOs and Android) will let you do just that.

Basically, you call your price (read desired salary level, benefits and perks), and the app matches you to one of the registered companies. You can even schedule an interview with a single tap…Lazy job hunter, you’ve been served…

My $0.05: Great tool for a low down job hunt! Yet, basing a job search primarily on salary level could have the risk of limiting prospects. Well worth the try though…

The Corporate Sis.