
One question that you’ll often hear at interviews, and which frankly should be the topic of entire college courses, is the following:” Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?” Basic translation for corporate sisters like you and I: You need a plan!
The corporate jungle is just that, a jungle. Here, and for many a corporate sister, there are limited road signs, speed bumps or GPS on how to take your career to the next level. Some of us do get on the right path through hard work and dedication, others luck out and find the right mentor or sponsor (we’ll discuss later how these can propel your career to the next level), while for the rest of us, we’re not always sure whether to keep straight or bifurcate at the next exit…
In corporate as in many other areas of life, we need a P-L-A-N, if only to better re-adjust it as we go…
Throughout my years in the corporate jungle, and after weighing the pros and cons of even having a career plan, I’ve found for my own unconventional reasons, that I needed one:

1. A career plan just gives you a general direction. It need not be ultra-specific, or detailed to the T. However, you do need to have a meeting with yourself at some point and ask the much dreaded question: “Where the heck am I going?”

2. A plan DOES create growth space. Contrary to popular belief, having a plan does allow you space to grow. By delineating where you’re headed (or at least where you think you’re headed), it gives you the time and freedom that you would otherwise dedicate to keeping afloat every day. Now that you’ve charted your potential career trajectory, you have more time and clarity to think about other avenues you may be taking to reach your life goals.

3. Last but not least, a plan, and I mean, any plan, can lead to a BETTER plan. So even if you are not sure of your initial plan, or have no idea what you want for that matter, laying down the foundation may lead you to your BEST, ultimate life plan.

Do you have a career plan?