Photo credit: 12kaky.com

Photo credit: 12kaky.com

When I started my career as a young associate in Big Accounting, I thought this was it. I had a nice, polished degree from a nice, polished college in one of the most educated cities of the world. I had gotten a gleaming offer from a great accounting firm, I was on my way to bigger and better things, and that paycheck would definitely not hurt either, especially in the shoe department. Life was good…

Until I started on my very first inventory assignment out of town, in some remote hospital where I had to perform a count in the…morgue. And did I mention the “busy season” busy work hours, which would not end until I had put on an extra 10 pounds and worked more than I ever thought possible…Life had become more real than it was good. That’s also when I started noticing the stark difference between those who could manage their careers successfully, and those who let it just happen to them, natively believing in some imaginary  “Career Fairy” that would magically steer towards a path filled with promotions and amazing work opportunities.

Many young and seasoned professionals alike do still believe in this “Career Fairy”, doing their work day in and day out, not quite sure of their next career step, trudging along as they help others meet their goals and achieve their objectives. All the while hoping all their hard work will take them where they ought to be someday…Except where most end up being is buried in a bottomless pit of unfulfilled career dreams yet still growing work expectations.

How does one take control of their careers from the start, or regain control of it after letting it go for some time?

1. Be clear about your goals! Whether you really want to become an entrepreneur or you’re eyeing the corner office, set clear goals for your career. While these may evolve as you develop in your career, keep communicating them clearly as you go. This will help you monitor your own progress, ask for advice, and attract the right people and opportunities to get you closer to your objectives.

2. Use your talents! Do not hesitate to use your natural talents to further your career. Even if you’re not sure of your final career destination, capitalize on your strengths to help steer you to the work you’re best at. Ultimately, it is your best work and the mastery of the tasks at hand that will make you noticed, and push you in the direction of your career dreams.

3. Raise your hand! Refuse to stay on the sidelines, doing your work head down, and not participating in the conversation. Let your opinions be heard, share your insights, add your own approach to the work, and contribute to the larger scope of work. It is by being present and visible that you will make an impact, and get closer to opportunities that otherwise will not reach you on their own.

How can you stop believing in the career fairy and start managing your own career?


The Corporate Sis.