

So Dear Daughter’s kindergarten bake sale is today. And as a proud mommy, I woke up this morning, lined the bottom of one of my best tupperwares (i.e.the only one I could find with a matching lid) with foil paper, and placed all the cupcakes, expertly aligned in their array of colored frosting and sprinkled to perfection, in it. Bake sale handled: Check! Ready to get to work: Check! Store-bought cupcakes with a heavy dose of motherly guilt: Check, check, and check!

In a perfect world, I would have this great bonding time with my daughter, baking cupcakes and sharing lifetime memories. We could have even taken pictures and posted all this family happiness and wholesomeness on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

In my world, I got home the night before with a terrible headache, right before noticing the Betty Crocker buttercream frosting from last year was frosted over, literally, and unusable. Not to mention the most basic cake mix recipes on Pinterest had at least two more ingredients than my entire pantry. I was busted, shoved in the bad mommy corner. So Dear Hubby got it handled a la Olivia Pope, and bought the cupcakes, as I laid in a puddle of working mom guilt…

Most moms who also work outside of the home will admit, in addition to the dreaded motherhood penalty, to feeling these pangs of motherhood guilt. That sting in the pit of your stomach when your kid mentions other moms volunteering at school all the time, or when the umpteenth bake sale (really, must there be this many) catches you unprepared…Or the slight, controlled smirk at the PTA moms who always pick up their kids on time (really, how do you make bad traffic and last minute bosses magically disappear?)…

Does this mean I want to be perfect, PTA, homemade cupcake-making mom? As much respect as I have for the perfect moms out there, I don’t! Many of us, if not most, chose this life, and while it may mean buying cupcakes instead of baking them (with the cake mix), it also means we try our best…

And until they invent an automatic cupcake-maker that also helps with homework, laundry, dishes and remembers to pay the bills, I may have to invest in a few more cake mixes and store-bought cupcakes…Just sayin’…

How do you deal with professional mom’s guilt?

The Corporate Sis.