
It’s Monday, yet another one, what with its load of to-do’s on both the professional and personal front…
As ambitious as I may be, the corporate sister in me has never been a fan of Mondays. I much prefer Fridays, especially after 5pm, but then again, who doesn’t? And since, like most of us, I don’t have much time to psychologically prep myself for the military-like drill of Mondays, I had to find a quick and dirty way to get my mind and body going during my first 15 minutes at the office. And again, since it’s only Monday and I’m somewhat still on week-end mode, I can only afford to do this in 5 minute increments:

5 minutes to get my brain out of sleep mode! That’s the very first step. Whether it’s by checking in with the co-workers how their week-ends went, or by quickly browsing the news on the internet, or just by slowly sipping on my cup of coffee before the morning frenzy starts, carve out some time to slowly check in…

5 minutes to clean my email inbox: nothing better than to start your professional day with a clean slate. All those emails from last week piled up in your inbox create unnecessary clutter, so get to cleaning up. Even if just to file and archive the stuff that’s no longer relevant, the simple act of cleaning up will help you start your day fresh…

5 minutes to draft your to-do list for the day! Now this exercise does require more than 5 minutes, however I’ve noticed that quickly drafting pending tasks for 5 minutes without paying too much attention to the details will help revv up your mental engine faster than it takes to say “corporate”…And no worries, you will be adding stuff to that to-do list as the day goes on…

Do you have 15 minutes to start you workday well?