Jelly app

Jelly app

I’m a huge Google, Bing, search engine user in general. I admit it, from how to spell a word for an email I’m sending to the boss, to where to have lunch at work, I’m always searching the answer to something…
So when I stumbled onto the newest, hottest app for iOs and Android out lately, I had to smile…Jelly (the app, not the spread), is for inquisitive, curious, information addicts like myself. Except that it doesn’t just pull online resources to answer your questions, but it actually disseminates the question to people in and outside of your network who can just chime in and provide answers…
It’s just like a giant conversation going on, except it’s in your phone, and you get to have all that human input you wouldn’t usually get from your usual search engine…
If you ask me, it’s an amazing way to crowdsource information…And while it’s already making noise in the app world, will it get loud enough to survive? Hmmm…

Would you use the Jelly app?

The Corporate Sister