Packing-Pro app - iflynonstop.com

Packing-Pro app – iflynonstop.com

Whether it’s your first or hump-teenth business trip, packing always feels like a chore. At least it does to me…And frankly, there are better alternatives than the Post-its with scratches of items you are to pack…while you still manage to forget your toothbrush at home.
Well, it’s with much relief that I discovered the Packing Pro app.

For a mere $2.99 for Iphones and Ipads, this app allows you to use a digital packing list. Talk about getting the stress out of traveling! And what’s really great about it, is that you can customize your packing list based on your trip’s duration and other needs…
Check it out, and let us know what you think!

The Corporate Sister.

The Corporate Sister