Photo: http://hratach.blogspot.com

Photo: http://hratach.blogspot.com

One of my commenters made a great point in one of their comments, about bringing up an issue they were having as a new associate on the job around a more senior employee making offensive remarks towards them. Human Resources was of no help, as it is very often reported in hostile or difficult to navigate work environments.

Many employees wonder, and at times rightfully so, if HR will help and/or protect them. After all, HR is hired and paid by the company. HR representatives are also more often than not stuck between a rock and a hard place, in the roles of employee advocate and company advocate all at once. Not to mention, Human Resources is always guided by the need to have everything documented and highly confidential, which can significantly muddy the waters when dealing with oral employee/manager reports. So, at the end of the day, whose side is HR really on?

From my experience, I don’t believe HR necessarily chooses a side. At the end of the day, they have a job, and a rather difficult one at that, to do. They are employees as well, possibly dealing with the same horror stories that are reported to them on a daily basis. Rather than asking whose side HR is on, both employees and management should be careful in how they approach any complaints brought to Human Resources, keeping in mind they not only have to provide objective evidence, but also have to put themselves into question in the process.

Do you think HR usually picks a side?

The Corporate Sis.