Why you need a mental health day - Photo credit: http://blog.brazencareerist.com

Why you need a mental health day – Photo credit: http://blog.brazencareerist.com

Not sleeping well, or feeling frazzled after a long week-end? Snapping at the store cashier because they used plastic instead of paper bags? You may be in need of a mental health day. I know there were, and still are times when, as a mom, a wife, and a professional, I could literally feel my head about to explode with the weight of to-do’s, not-to-do’s, what-to-do’s and how-to-do’s…

Yet like many of us, I was always reluctant to take a day off to do a whole lot of…nothing. Days off were reserved for meticulously pre-planned vacation, running important errands I could not tackle after-hours or on the week-end, or shuttling the kids to doctors’ appointments. Resting, relaxing? Who needs that? According to a top UK doctor, our English fellow professionals need a 4-day workweek to combat stress. Yet considering how hesitant many of us are to even talk about health at work, let alone mental health, how do we even begin to request the time we need to take care of ourselves:

1. Plan for mental health days: Just as you plan for vacation, or doctors’ appointments, reserve at least a couple of days that are obligation-free. And no, your errand-filled, socially committed, packed-to-the-brim week-end calendar does not qualify….

2. Limit the number of to-do’s on your mental health day: The first time I took a so-called mental health day, I had about two notebook pages filled with things to do. After all, wouldn’t it be a great opportunity to clean the drain, change the draperies and catch up on laundry. End result: yet another stressful day, except at least at work I can sip on my cup of coffee in a more comfortable position than upside down looking into a nasty drain…

3. Stop feeling guilty! You know when you take a day off for no apparent, tangible reason other than to take care of yourself, you are going to feel a bit…guilty! Actually, a lot guilty! Chances are you will be thinking about what’s happening at work, what you could have done at work, and how much work you could have accomplished…Cut it out, the work will always be there, and you should want your health to do the same…

What do you think? Do you need a mental health day?

The Corporate Sis.