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Happy Wednesday! It is hump-day already, and a bit rainy on this side of the blogosphere…
And here you are at work, finalizing this big project, focused on your performance all year-round. Frankly, between being so busy at work and at home, there is not much time to focus on anything else. Right? Wrong!

As important as performance may be at work, your individual prospects for growth are the framework, and in many cases, part of the foundation of your career. Where both yourself and your organization see you in the next 3 or 5 years is paramount to steering you in the right career direction. And I would even argue that even without the support of your organization and or Human Resources, having your own individual development plan not only serves as a compass to your career, but also keeps you accountable to yourself and others to fulfill the goals and objectives you’ve set in your career.

Without the proper vision and framework, performance, even stellar performance, is left to chance. Could one still succeed without a development plan? Yes. Yet, how much more could you accomplish with a clear vision and action plan for your career? Infinitely more.

So how do we go about setting an individual development plan? While many a company offers pre-set templates for employees, others do not necessarily put much of an emphasis on it. Whether required by your organization or not, an individual development plan is a MUST, in life or at work! If it’s not currently part of your evaluation or review process, suggest it to your manager. If it is, pay special attention to it!

1. Identify your goals and objectives: whether you’re in a new job/position, need to improve your performance, or are eyeing a lateral position, clearly set your goals. Identify what you want to learn or achieve, in as much detail as you possibly can! Always keep in mind that while you may want to reach the sky, your goals still have to follow the SMART rule (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely)! And remember to write your Vision down!

2. Develop a plan! In life or at work, you need a plan. Goals and objectives are lifeless without a strong, effective plan! Eyeing that promotion? How are you planning on getting it? Are you going to sit for your CPA license, take additional credits or find a mentor to help you? What’s your road map like?

3. Last but not least, get to work! Rome wasn’t built in one day; neither are your objectives going to be achieved in record time. It’s going to take time, effort, and some level of adjusting and re-calibration. Somewhere along the way, your goals may change, become harder or discouragement may set in. However, the one constant should remain your hard, diligent work in the direction you’ve set!

In the case of formal individual development plans, make sure to discuss these carefully with your manager and use the resources around you (people, systems, etc) to make the best decision. Even when the process is less formal, finding an outlet through your peers and mentors can prove beneficial.

Do you have an individual development plan?

The Corporate Sister.